Conference “One Health: Social Dimensions”

On 3 December 2024, an international conference ‘One Health: Social Dimension’ was held as part of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project ‘Integration of EU One Health Policy and Framework in Ukraine’. The event was an important step in implementing the principles of One Health in Ukrainian society.
3 December 2024
Opening remarks:
Mykola Tsvilikhovsky, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Petro Kraynik, National Erasmus+ office Ukraine, Director for Jean Monnet projects
Oleksandr Labenko, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Affairs
Session 1 “One Health.
The State of Art and Future Outlook in Ukraine”
Chair: Dr Volodymyr Melnyk
Serhii Zakharin, Deputy Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection on Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalisation “Integration of One Health Approach Principles in Activities of State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection” | |
Prof. Vitalii Nedosekov, DVM, Professor of the Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Animal Health, NULES of Ukraine “A One Health Perspective on Rabies Control in Ukraine”. | |
Prof. Maryna Galat, DVM, Professor of the Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Animal Health, NULES of Ukraine “Current and potential development of parasitological science in Ukraine” | |
Dr. Olena Panasyuk, Head of the Center for Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System, L.V. Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine “Potential pathogens and sources of transmission in infectious diseases of the nervous system” | |
Hanna Petkun, PhD student at the Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Animal Health, NULES of Ukraine “Animal Welfare in the One Health Concept” | |
Nazar Gavryshchuk, postgraduate student of the Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Animal Health, NULES of Ukraine “Risk factors associated with leptospirosis in humans” | |
Dr. Mykola Halaburda, PhD, Professor of the Department of Political Economy, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University “Economic analysis of legal support of the One Health policy” | |
Mariia Galaburda, DVM, PhD, associate professor, Department of Animal Hygiene and Food Safety, NULES of Ukraine, EU4OH Jean Monnet module coordinator “One Health in the European Union: Recommendations and Challenges” |
Natalia Shchur, postgraduate student of the Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Animal Health, NULES of Ukraine “Characteristics of Campylobacter isolates identified in Ukraine” | |
Oleksandra Murashko, postgraduate student of the Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Animal Health, NULES of Ukraine, “Ways and factors of transmission of infectious agents. From history to the present” | |
Dr. Lyudmila Ischenko, PhD, head of the research department of molecular and biological research, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Zoonotic infections in One Health context” | |
Prof. Jakob Zinsstag Professor, PhD, DVM, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute “Scientific opinion on One Health in the EU” | |
Olga Martynenko, Director of Ecoline Corp, Limaria Laboratory, “Risk of transmission of antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms circulating in the dairy food chain” | |
Session 2: “International One Health Practiсes”
Dr. Valeriia Yustyniuk, DVM, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, CAHFS, University of Minnesota “Welcoming remarks and housekeeping.” | |
Dr. Guillermo Arcega Castillo, DVM, MPVM, Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine Resident, CAHFS, University of Minnesota “7-1-7: Outbreak Response Framework – Human Applications and Animal Health Potential” | |
Dr. Rachel Schambow, DVM, PhD, Researcher, CAHFS, University of Minnesota “Impacts of ASF on Public and Environmental Health: Examples from the Philippines” | |
Dr. Jesper Chia-Hui Hsu, DVM, PhD Candidate, CAHFS, University of Minnesota “From Outbreak to Ongoing Impact: 5 years of African Swine Fever in the Philippines” | |
Dr. Kaushi Kanankege, DVM, MS, PhD, Epidemiologist, UMN Alumni “Hog Farms, Public Health, and Agriculture: The Need for Responsible Conduct and Interpretation of Ecological Studies on Exposure” | |
Moumita Das PhD Candidate, Center for Animal Health and Food Safety, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota “Insights into Dog Rabies in Turkana, Kenya: Assessing Veterinary Professionals’ Perspectives on Dog Owners’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices” | |
Dr. Valentyna Sharandak, DVM, PhD, PVS Pathway Programme Manager, WOAH, “WOAH One Health activities” | |
Olena Kuriata, DVM, One Health Consultant at WHO Country Office in Ukraine, “WHO Support in Implementing a Resilient One Health Approach in Ukraine” | |
Dr. Pikka Jokelainen, DVM, PhD, Head of Function, Infectious Disease Preparedness and One Health, Statens Serum Institut “Statens Serum Institut: journey of a public health institute becoming a One Health institute” | |
Igor Yakymenko, PhD, DrSc, Coordinator of Jean Monnet Projects JM ECO and EUforUA, Head of the Department of Ecology and Ecomanagement, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine “European Green Deal: Ambitions and Challenges” |