Valeriia Yustyniuk presented the results of the project “Integration EU One Health framework and policy in Ukraine” at the international conference in Alaska
The International Conference “One Health, One Future” was held from February 28 to March 3 at the University of Alaska’s One Health Research Center in Fairbanks. The event brought together over 300 participants from more than 20 countries around the world to address today’s pressing challenges in the field of integrating human, animal and environmental health by establishing cooperation and learning from the collective experience of researchers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and partners from governmental and non-governmental organizations, communities and researchers from different parts of the world.
The One Health Research Center is relatively new at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, although many faculty members have decades of experience studying animal, human, and environmental health. The newly established center aims to gain a holistic view of health and well-being for both individuals and communities to address some of society’s most pressing challenges.

Four sections were organized at the conference: Holistic Health, Food System, Security and Sovereignty, Global Impacts, Coordination and Cooperation, and Communication and Education. As part of the latter, Valeriia Yustyniuk presented the results of the first year of implementation of the project “Integration EU One Health framework and policy in Ukraine”, the coordinator of which is associate professor of the Department of Veterinary Hygiene Maria Galaburda. Thus, during the year, the project team, which consists of specialists from various fields of expertise (food safety, parasitology, infectious diseases of animals and zoonoses, digital education), worked on the implementation of project tasks, namely the development and implementation of educational materials in the field of One Health, which provides a stable basis for Ukrainian educational integration through the adoption of European experience, and the establishment of cooperation between specialists from various Ukrainian and global scientific communities in the field of foodborne zoonoses, antibiotic resistance and other challenges for the exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience in the prevention and control of biological hazards to human health. As part of the project, a course on One Health was developed for PhD students in the field of veterinary medicine, research was conducted on awareness of antibiotic resistance among students of veterinary and medical educational institutions, and an international conference was held with the participation of representatives of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO) and World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). Summarizing the achievements of the project, we can conclude that even in today’s difficult conditions, the project team – Maria Galaburda, Valeriia Yustyniuk, Olena Kuzminska, Marina Galat and Pikka Jokelainen – coped with the goals set and is ready for new achievements and new tasks, and the results of the first year of the project were duly presented at the conference in Fairbanks.

In addition, new contacts and collaborations established during the conference create long-term research partnerships and lead to new educational and outreach programs around One Health, as they are the key to the interdisciplinary initiatives, research and solutions our world needs.